There is some copy from my FB. haha~I am lazy to write again.
However, there is some personal idea that I don't want to share too "public", I will share here~
At the beginning, I am really thanks to my good friend~Fa
He went to airport for meeting me before I taking a airplane to Canada.
And thanks to my Mon and Dad. Although they didn't say anything, I knew they will be my supports all the times.
They always respect my idea, and let me free. Moreover, when I need any help, they will do their best to me.
I am so lucky that I have so kind parents.
When I arrived in airport, I was shock of the price over there, it was strictly expensive.
Hence I don't like to eat breakfast from 7-11, but I had no other choice if I wanted to save money.
I am full of confidence to do all things about taking airplane. I was glad that I got out of the "Allen" who is afraid to try new thing.
I pass departure safely, and saw a lot of no-law Chinese, who spoke loudly and cut in all the time~~@@
when I found my airplane, and waiting for flying time, I got a call from Showing.
It was nice to talk to you, and very pleasant to got the blessing from you~^^
When I found my seat, I felt very quiet in my mind.
"And I thought of sth: Although taking airplane and transferring plane may be very easy for some people,
I was afraid of doing it when I was undergraduate. It was glad that I dare to try it alone, I became more independent~ "
It was also very lucky that my seat is beside the window, so I could enjoy the view of outside~^^
when I saw outside, it was touching my heart, I am higher than cloud~!!! it made me very exciting~~
(at that time, I was really a child~~~XD)
I decided to sleep during flying time airplane, but I was too exciting to sleep.
It was not allowed to use camera, there is a Japanese policeman who taught me to realize the information of transfer airplane. In addition, I met a old couple who prepared to go to Seattle, and I helped them just as that policeman helped me.
it is not allowed to use cameras during taking off and I didn't use it until that time was over.
the first challenge when I arrived in Japan was getting boarding card to Canada.
And I have to transfer to another airplane. But what's that !!! I can't read Japanese !!!
Fortunately, there is a Japanese policeman who taught me to realize the information of transfer airplane.
In addition, I met a old couple who prepared to go to Seattle, and I helped them just as that policeman helped me.
(I have to take a bus from the terminal 2 to terminal 1.)
When I finished all things before taking airplane, I found a space that I could use notebook.
it is cool to play notebook in the airport, and Wi-Fi is free~
And then I transferred to AC, it seemed better than China Airlines.
I was surprise that airhostess here were many different kind of people: black, white, yellow races.
I was exciting that I was above the Pacific Ocean !!!
Even though there was a Japanese child sat behind of me, and he was trying to shake my seat, I didn't care.
Meals here were better than last one, haha~
And I had to take this airplane for almost 9 hours, it was very uncomfortable to sit so long~> just could sit and sleep~>
by the way, you could see many stars that seemed around you when you looked outside the window at that time.
And when the sun was coming, it was awesome !!!peace, quiet, and like the heaven.
When we were near Canada, I could see Iceberg, which I really want to see~
Although I pretend I don't worry about the complex procedure of connecting flight from Vancouver to Saskatoon. But actually I was nervous of this.
There was a woman sat on the left hand side of me, who lives in Vancouver, and she was a Hong Kong people, so that she could speak Chinese. She assisted me to fill in the disembarkation card, and taught me what should I do about connecting flight.
Furthermore, she shared some information and notes to me. She really liked my Mon.
HAHA~We also discuss our ideas about many things. I was really lucky that I can meet her~^^
waiting for arrival~the clerk asked me a lot of questions...@@ But all things are well~I am successful to enter Vancouver~
And I hanged around many stores there, and trying to buy my lunch.
There was a female clerk who was very beautiful, She offered chocolate for tasting.
I tried many kind of them, but I didn't buy them. On the other hand, I bought some postcards,
it was the first things that I bought in Canada~
And I tried to buy some Bagel there, it was soso, but the price are terrible: it costed me almost 300 NT dollars.
airplanes which fly in domestic flight, seems much smaller~but cute XD
there was a interesting man who sat by me, and I was surprise that he know where Taiwan is. In addition, he traveled in China last week.
By the way, there are very colorful in Vancouver, but there are very simple in Saskatchewan.
There is nothing except plain, and I start to believe that I can drive car 2 hours without seeing anyone.
Finally, I arrived Saskatoon !!
I met JC Wang. He brought me to visit this city.
The university of Saskatchewan is quite large, but the math department is small.
I also found my office, it was not big but enough to work~~
And JC also picked me to visit many part of his school, then he took me to the Homestay~
People here were friendly, and I was happy that my English is able to communicate with them.
When I saw my room, it was very interesting, there are many DVD in my room.
If I could watch all of them, I believe that my listening will perfect~
My first meal here is B.B.Q and some rice. Hostess is a good chef~my dinner is very delicious, I like this B.B.Q~
I not only ate with that husband and wife, there are Chinese, African, Japanese over there. So many people ~~@@
Since I have to adapt the time here, I slept a lot, and when I got up, I made my own breakfast.
And it was especially quiet, I start to read novel (The Knight in Rusty Armor) after finishing my breakfast.
Living here was just very similar to in Army service. Why I say that?
I have freedom, I can do what I want, which is much different than living in army service.
However, both of the environments are made me feel quiet, and I can think many things about myself.
And I glad that I finish reading a novel by one day.
it was very efficient !!
My first, second days are over, expect to the future~~!!!